
Before her 'Binding', Saluki was very much a carefree doe, not tying herself to any one thing, a creature without loyalty or morals. She travelled wherever she felt excitement could be found, and loved to create chaos with those around her, using her unique ability to manipulate the light around her and weave a cloak of invisibility she used to trip and pinch, steal and break. Whenever a flash of light seemed to come from nowhere to blind you, make you falter and fall, that was Saluki.

All this was, of course, before IT happened. A chance find and a clumsy paw, nothing big or spectacular, led to the release of the being that now plagues her existence. A dark spirit, who she calls (for lack of anything better) Darke, has attached himself to her very soul. Always hungry for blood, she now spends most of her time hunting to satisfy him, and she rarely speaks to other rhyn, for both their safety and her own.

When the occasion calls for it, however, she is usually quite sarcastic and condescending to anyone and everyone, including the ranger with which she shares a bond forged of necessity. 
He searches for a way to release her, while she focuses on one thing... Keeping the demon as caged as possible.


A happy-go-lucky guy, Arcturis is the hardest one of the coterie to get down. Life is like one big game to him, and all lepus are players. He is more likely to trust other rhyn when they first meet than most, more than willing to believe there is good in everyone, and it's up to him to find it. While his mate had hoped that fatherhood would sober him up, all it seems to have done is give him someone with his own mindset to play with. Ashalinde really doesn't know what to do with the great lovable lug...


A bit of a mystery to tell the truth, this beautiful faierus doe was convinced to stay with the coterie by her mate Arcturis. No one knows how a child-at-heart like him fell in love with such a manipulative doe, but he seems to have her wrapped around his paw, and she doesn't appear to mind. Her wings, so different to a normal hematite lepus, inspire whispers as to whether she is some kind of new half breed, a scientists genetic experiment, or merely deformed.

The scientists, on their part, swear they had nothing to do with it.


Offspring of Arcturis and Ashalinde, she inherited her mother's gemkin, and her father's trusting nature. Always looking for someone new to play with, when all else fails she often turns to nature, dancing with the winds, batting at hanging leaves and branches, clambering up and down trunks, searching for some interesting hidey hole. As with most of Faierus, she has a beautiful voice, and uses it frequently, though for the main part when no-one else is around. She adores singing to herself. 

The wisteria flowers caught in her hair are a product of her playful nature, having deeply intwined themselves during her Change from hatchling to kid.


Outspoken and often prone to bouts of aggression, Evander has questionable control over his elemental abilities. While he may say that he meant to make that hole in the ground, more likely a burst of anger, or some other emotion, caused it. These 'holes' seem to happen on a surprisingly regular basis, but he comes in very handy when digging a new tunnel in the warren as he is the only one connected to the earth in such a way. Therefore, most of the coterie have learned to adjust. 

Er... Most.


Shanii, unlike others of her kind, is completely mute. She is unable to make any kind of audible sound with her throat, and so instead has worked out a quite ingenious method of 'writing' using a sequence of paw prints in dusty or soft soil. Barely half of the coterie understands them, however, and she tends to rely on the ruby Kid Tien'uen as a translator of sorts. Despite being without a voice, she can be rather pushy and over-bearing, and doesn't like to think of herself in disabled in any way. Coddle her too much, and you're in for the thwaping of a lifetime!


With a name meaning 'little one', most people would think of this ruby kid as being an adorable, shy young-one. Instead, what they'd get is a dark-furred bundle full of energy and spirit, with sharp wits to boot! While she may not be particularly strong, and her 'fire-power' has yet to show itself, this little girl is one of the few 'rhyn who can understand Shanii's 'writing', and she is fiercely protective of the tiny faierus. While she evolved and Shanii didn't, the two seem to have an unshakable bond, and their conflicting efforts can make life incredibly difficult for anyone living around them, with Shanii not wanting to be mollycoddled, and Tien'uen wanting to protect her constantly.

However, as evidenced in the first Fiapuri roleplay, when faced with an enemy outside her species Tien becomes immobile with fear. If alone when faced with the danger, she will either hide herself in the smallest place possible or freeze on the spot. If around other rhyn, she will instead seek to hide herself amid their ranks/behind a larger rhyn.


Possibly the only 'rhyn who stays with Leonite full-time, Langothe is the dark, romantic type, who is prone to falling in and out of love like the bird in the cuckoo clock ducks in and out of it's wooden home. While he has no special talents of his own, his dark, dusty fur and bright yellow eyes make him quite the handsome fellow in his own eyes, and though his adornments were not of his own inspiration (they were gifts from past girlfriends, or some such thing. >.>) he feels they only add to his magnificence. 

The bell around his neck, however, tends to make him a lousy hunter.
[Name means; 'A fierce longing for the fae realm, or for something unattainable/not of this world.]


Confused almost continuously, Mirranor is more like a forlorn hatchling than a grown buck. Almost always found stuck in or to something, or completely lost in the maze-like warren tunnels, the rest of the 'rhyn tend to either find him hilarious or infuriating, and have a general attitude of either point him in the right direction or ignore him. He, for the most part, doesn't seem to notice.


Just a generally caring lepus, she is often the one charged with hatchling-sitting when the others are busy. Feels somewhat responsible for looking out for Mirranor.


















-Under Construction-
An elderly, somewhat grouchy Ma'rhyn doe, Njorda was one of the very first to venture out of the forests and connect with a keeper. She feels obligated to watch out for the other 'rhyn who have bonded with Leonite, but outside that has very little contact with other Lepus, having previously lived alone for most of her life. Her unique 'scent' is akin to the first budding leaves of spring.


-Under Construction-
A contender for Lead Buck in the coterie hierarchy, Masquerade is subtle and vicious, contemplative and manipulative, a con-artist, and a smooth-talker. While he doesn't care much for Ashalinde, he is greedy for the power that he would gain with the rank, thinking little, if at all, about the responsibilities that would accompany it. He has a small group of loyal supporters, but prefers to bide his time until his victory in the take-over would be assured.